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  • 28/01/2015

    Lifting a family forktruck business to new heights

    Kirkwood Wilson Accountants has steered the financial planning of Forktruck Warehouse Europe Limited (FTW), and sibling directors Mark…

  • 13/01/2015

    Are you paying too much for your accountancy service?

    At Kirkwood Wilson Accountants we’ve got your best interests at heart. We’re more than just bean counters, we’re…

  • 09/01/2015

    Auto-enrolment explained by EasyPAE

    With an ageing workforce, and the number of retirees predicted to rise by a third by 2050, many…

  • 23/12/2014

    Get the most out of your company website

    Designing and creating a dynamic, engaging and inviting website is one of the most important elements of any…

  • 16/12/2014

    Is it time to change your accountant?

    We humans are creatures of habit. We love routine and we positively hate change. We’ll stay with the…

  • 16/12/2014

    Strategic planning – working on the business, not in it

    Stepping away from the intricacies of your business to help it to grow sounds like a counterintuitive plan…

  • 11/12/2014

    Sage improvements to your accounting experience

    Sage’s market-leading accounting software is about to undergo a major overhaul in 2015. The onset of a brand…

  • 11/12/2014

    Xero small business accounting software

    Xero is a clever cloud-based business accounting software package that lets you log in anytime, anywhere and across…

  • 18/09/2014

    Sage 50 2015 – The future of accounting software?

    We at Kirkwood Wilson have just had our first few days hands-on with this year’s release of Sage…