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  • 26/07/2024

    What Is Capital Gains Tax?

    Capital gains tax (CGT) is an important element of the UK tax system, impacting anyone who profits from…

  • 25/06/2024

    Self-employed: How long to keep tax records UK

    Keeping tax records is an important part of managing your finances if you are self-employed in the UK….

  • 18/03/2024

    Decoding a List of Tax Codes and What They Mean

    For most people, the letters ‘HMRC’ fill them with dread and anxiety. This is largely because when it…

  • 23/06/2022

    What is the ‘plug in grant’ on electric vehicles?

    The UK government has closed the plug-in car grant scheme to new orders. This follows a  public evaluation report highlighting…

  • 23/12/2016

    Happy Christmas from us all at Kirkwood Wilson!

    2016 has certainly been a year of adventure and change, both in the world at large and here…

  • 04/11/2016

    Why are we Making Tax Digital and what does it mean?

    We are now in the final stages of consultation relating to the proposals to Make Tax Digital and…

  • 15/01/2016

    New Year, New You: 5 business resolutions for 2016

    We all make personal New Year’s resolutions, mostly along the lines of ‘must lose weight’ or ‘must drink…