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  • 26/05/2022

    Kirkwood Wilson Tee-rific Charity Golf Day

    Kirkwood Wilson recently saw the return of their well loved Charity Golf Day! With Covid keeping this annual…

  • 23/09/2016

    Kirkwood Wilson sponsor Rufford Cricket Club

    As well as sponsoring charities, we also like to do our bit for local sports teams.

  • 19/08/2016

    7th Annual Charity Golf Day

    This year we hosted our 7th Annual Charity Golf Day at Formby Ladies Golf Club, and what a…

  • 30/10/2015

    Putting Charity at the Fore

    Kind-hearted clients and contacts from a Southport accountancy practice got into the swing of a charity golf day…

  • 16/07/2013

    Charity Golf Day 2013

    We have recently held our fourth charity event, on 12th July. This year we raised £2331 for Alder…