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  • 03/04/2020

    Self-employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS)

    This blog is for people who have income from self employment whether that be as a sole trader…

  • 02/04/2020

    Detailed guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme for Furloughed Employees

    Description The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme is a temporary scheme open to all UK employers for at least…

  • 24/03/2020

    Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme update

    As you may have read or seen on the news over the weekend, the Government has introduced the…

  • 19/03/2020

    Coronavirus support from Kirkwood Wilson Accountants

    Support for businesses who are paying sick pay to employees: The Government will pass legislation shortly to allow…

  • 19/03/2020

    COVID-19 update from Kirkwood Wilson Accountants

    As a family run business, the wellbeing of our team is and has always been paramount. Our priority…

  • 19/03/2020

    First update following Government announcements

    Given the recent situation that has arisen with COVID-19, we thought it would be helpful to provide you…

  • 20/12/2019

    Why choosing local accountants in Lancashire is the best move for your business

    Shopping locally is something we all do, whether it is a conscious effort or another unconscious decision that…

  • 07/10/2019

    The benefits of digitising your accounts

    Moving away from manual accounting practices, miscellaneous receipts, and excel spreadsheets can be a daunting task. However, getting…

  • 19/05/2019

    Is Xero Making Tax Digital compliant?

    HMRC’s ‘Making Tax Digital’ (MTD) policy has been introduced to enable businesses and individuals to organise their taxes…