Sage improvements to your accounting experience

Posted 11/12/2014
Sage improvements to your accounting experience

Sage’s market-leading accounting software is about to undergo a major overhaul in 2015. The onset of a brand new year brings with it a broad range of exciting new features and a fundamental move away from one-off payments to a monthly subscription service instead. Chartered Accountant, and Sage expert, Daniel Wilson explains what this means and how it will affect you.

First of all, I have to tell you that Sage’s latest software development is genuinely one of the best updates we’ve ever seen. The various improvements in functionality, plus a redesigned programming system, mean it’s a lot quicker when posting transactions.

In actual fact, you now have a “holding hub” so transactions are posted to the hub before being posted onto the system when they’re ready. Obviously we’re only talking milliseconds here but it was the main reason that older Sage products fell foul of errors.

With the advent of this holding hub, Sage have designed a new module called Sage Drive. This shares your live data – provided there’s an internet connection – with your accountant and one other device. This is exactly the kind of system that we’ve been crying out for.

Now we’ll be able to post any adjustments, and complete all tasks on your Sage, without the need to interrupt your day! We can also help if you have any queries because we’ll be working on the live data.

Also, because the holding hub creates a more stable environment, we’ll more than likely be advising clients not to renew their Sage Cover.

Sage pricing policy

Recently we met with our account manager from Sage who also discussed their new pricing policy. Effectively, Sage are trying to lead the product down a monthly subscription rather than a one-off payment. Providing you upgrade every three to four years the cost differential should be neutral.

“We actually think that this is a much better idea because it means you will always have the latest version. You can upgrade at any point, without a big one-off payment, and you can cancel your subscription whenever you want.”

Sage have informed us that their in-house sales team will be contacting all users to attempt to persuade them to upgrade. However, we really would recommend contacting us first because we can make sure that you get the correct version, with the correct number of users, and at a discounted rate. Plus, we can link you to our account at Sage.

The roll out of Sage Drive begins on 6 December 2014 and Sage believe that everyone should (!) have it working before Christmas. Due to the delay they’ve started offering the subscription terms at half price up to the end of December.

If you’re thinking of upgrading your Sage, or you think you like the new features enough to upgrade, we would seriously recommend upgrading before 31 December because the half price subscription carries on for the length of the product. Even if you add another company/user you will still be on the half price subscription.

Sage Upgrade for your business

Finally, I would just like to assure you that this is not meant to be a sales message. We genuinely believe that this is an excellent offer to start the subscription method before the end of December because, over the life of your accounts, you still save a considerable amount of money and hopefully it will mean we can offer a better service with access to your Sage system.

If you would like me to find out the cost of an upgrade, and moving onto the subscription method, please send me your Sage Serial Number by going to Help/About in Sage and looking in the Licence Information (top and middle). It should be one letter followed by six numbers. You’ll be making a sage investment take it from me.

For more information about our Sage packages please email or speak to one of our dedicated team members on 01704 546000.

Posted 11/12/2014